Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Description and content importance for blog

Bloggers always  think about these questions, especially newbies.

How to get more visitors on my blog?
How to write content and description for a post?
How to drive huge traffic for my blog?
How to do best seo for my website?
How to generate huge income from google adsense with increase in visitors?

These are some crucial questions in blogging carrier which are difficult to understand easily in the beginning, but easy to play with these after getting experience. All of these questions are answered by doing 3 simple things on the blog. These are :-

1. Quality Content Writing
2. Meaningful Description
3. Social Networking

content and description are vital for blog

Quality Content Writing :

- This is the major part of your blog where you have to work so nicely and smartly. If your blog doesn't contain much content how you get a visitor to stop at your site and read the content where there is no content. It is impossible, visitor won't stop and google also don't provide you visitors as per its latest Penguin update. It says, no spamming should be there. Your content must be original and social networking of the author should have been good.

- Write content so attractive and unique that visitors loves to read it. When he enjoys the article he shares your article with his friends and it will provide huge amount of visitors on your blog. Quality content gets more traffic.

- Use HTML, bold, italic tags to make your article attractive. Write content in short paragraphs, it will be great if you write article by making points. Use bullets, bubbles for art work with different color text to make it beautiful. Keep in mind don't do over coloring and all, many times it goes to dull look.

Meaningful Description :

- Description of your blog must be meaningful and easy to understand by the google spiders and teams. Try to write it more relevant to your topic, it should describe your whole article.

- Try to use good quality keywords in your description and content, so that spiders read them easily.

- Meaningful description will be the key to the success of a post because people search desire topics on search engines and description of our blog will help google to index our site on top pages with most relevant topic searches.

Social Networking :

- Social impact is very important for a blog. Social networking sites help a lot to generate huge traffic on a blog when an article is shared. So build your social network on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social medias.

- Follow people on social networks, so that they will follow you. Share your articles and views with them so that it will help you to build network.

The latest penguin update from google suggests us to write best content and build a good network on social sites.

Don't do these :-

- Don't try to write content and description according to google, just write them as letting yourself to be the reader and how will enjoy that article to read.

- Don't use keywords in the excess because this will lead you to write description and content according to google seo. Just write description and content as per the user perspectives.

- Write according to the need of user. It mean write the article which are helpful for readers. Don't write older articles. It means the articles those will not be searched in future a lot. Just like if you write blogs on bollywood news, then its better to write new and future films blogs rather than writing about old movies.

Follow these tips, I am sure you will get benefit. :-)


  1. Replies
    1. Welcome Ajay, I hope you try to work on this and get best results for your blog.
